Advancing Food Safety, Security, & Quality Assurance

Earn Professional Development Continuous Education Unit (C.E.U) Equivalence:
1-hr session = 0.1 C.E.U
SSQA (Safety, Security, & Quality Assurance) is an industry concept that provides the framework, principles and strategies for actions designed to assure consumer safety, satisfaction and confidence.
About the SSQA Development Academy
for SSQA Facilitators
“SSQA Facilitator” is not a job title; it is an essential public service.
The SSQA Facilitator:
Is anyone with formal education who is knowledgeable and competent in product safety, security, and quality assurance
Has adequate knowledge of the SSQA concept and strategies
Has access to the SSQA Implementation Manual
Is committed to ensuring the safety and satisfaction of the consumer
Committed to meeting regulatory and customer requirements
Committed to working for measurable success
Committed to personal professional growth
Committed to the success of the employer
The SSQA Academy provides opportunities for industry personnel, managers, trainers, consultants, business operators, regulators to implement and drive the SSQA concept with
continuous evaluation of success.
Attend what you want when you can
To efficiently and effectively manage the time demands on participants, the SSQA special courses and SSQA Academy sessions have been amalgamated. The revolving curriculum has been discontinued and replaced by scheduled workshops.
Registration for each workshop is currently set at the rate of CA$200. You have the choice to attend any scheduled workshop of your choice.
The SSQA Implementation Manual remains as the study text. Approximately 40 to 50 hours of workshops will cover this text each year.
Workshops may be 1 to 4 hours long. The workshops do not require a minimum number of participants. Each session will be recorded and posted for up to 1 month for subscription access according to a set annual subscription rate (subject to change).
The most important food safety and quality standard that is studied at this academy is the universal consumer protection standard. This breaks down to the protection of consumer safety, needs, and interests. Participating in the academy helps you in your current and future roles.
For a the general schedule go to: Schedule.
Felix Amiri is the lead instructor. Guest instructors are occasionally invited to lead sessions that focus on their specific areas of expertise or specialization.
Completion of the academy cycle leads to earning the SSQA Facilitator badge of distinction.

Professional Development Continuous Education Unit (C.E.U) Equivalence: 1-hr session = 0.1 C.E.U