Dear <Supervisor's name>, Registration Page
I am requesting your approval for me to attend the AFISServices Food Industry Workshops. Registration grants me access to attend the presentations that are directly applicable to my work. It also allows me to network and collaborate with other food safety professionals and peers. I expect to gain valuable information that will strengthen our food safety and food quality assurance systems.
The workshops will cover the following major topics:
Food safety and other Challenges Faced by the Food Industry;
Food Safety and Quality Assurance Obligations of Food Operations to Regulators, Customers and Consumers;
Food Industry Developments, Trends, Prospects and Opportunities
Equipping Food Operations for Success
Strategies for Ensuring Consumer Safety & Customer Satisfaction
The Role of Science and Technology
I am seeking approval for the registration fee in addition to travel expenses and other costs during the workshops. A detailed cost breakdown is included below.
The 2-day workshops registration fee is only CAD$150 plus applicable taxes.
Here is the breakdown of workshop costs:
Roundtrip Airfare: <$xxxx>
Transportation: <$xxxx>
Hotel: <$xxxx>
Meals: <$xxxx>
Workshop Fee: <$xxxx>
The total costs associated with attending this workshop are: <$xxxx>.
The workshops during the two days of the event will increase <insert name your of organization>’s ability to protect our consumers, our executives, our company's brand and bottom line, and ensure that we are fully prepared to face any new challenges, and drive program improvements. As such, I believe that attending these workshops would be a wise investment for <insert name of your organization>.
<your name here>