The global food supply system faces a menacing monster of food safety, food fraud, quality assurance, food waste, food security, nutrition, sustainability, and equitable distribution challenges. Does celebrating #worldfoodsafetyday on June 7th every year lead to significant progress against these challenges? How could and should a food business and its managers prepare for the unexpected moves by this monster? What could and should you contribute to subduing it?
This unpredictable monster is no respecter of persons. Its bite can be fatal to anyone. It does not yield to large or small corporations, international organizations, industry associations or institutions. The monster roams in all regions and its ferocious hydra heads feast on the culture of endemic superficiality with pervasive prevarications, obfuscations, and paltering (the POP-culture).
All stakeholders, professionals, leaders, and industry personnel must adopt a no-nonsense #ninja vigilance and the flawless execution of necessary actions. One slip-up in the fight against this monster results in large scale fatalities.
Food businesses everywhere need to deploy competent monster-slayer ninjas to simultaneously disabled the ferocious hydra heads and limbs with precision. To be successful at this task, all food businesses, participants, leaders, and regulators must be vigilant to avoid the vortex of futility.
Deceptive and distracting activities in the vortex of futility include:
Maintaining a basket-case problem-solving or a pick-a-point (P-A-P) solution strategy of attacking one head at a time while ignoring the other equally ferocious heads.
Remaining engulfed in POP-culture proposals and attempts to dodge the monster heads and limbs with fatal consequences.
Setting up groups, associations, and organizing conferences, think tank sessions, talk shows, podcasts, webinars, and other gatherings that only discuss the monster.
Finding ways to ride the monster and have fun.
Devising schemes for monetizing the existence of the monster.
Building libraries of research and white papers that mostly cater to the interest of the sponsors without outlining action plans for subduing the monster.
Generating and sharing data relating to the threats posed by the monster without clear guidance for effective actions.
Promoting vogues and high-sounding ideas about dealing with the monster but failing to provide the criteria for confirming the achievement of the desirable outcomes.
Maintaining ineffective catch-and-punish systems for regulating evasive, misinformed, confused, or fraudulent operators through confusing, confused and conflicting national and international regulations.
Running opportunist and parasitic consulting services, solution systems, training sessions, and certification audit programs with frequent reports of woeful failures among food businesses.
Ignoring real and regrettable consumer experiences while celebrating presumptive imaginations of successes or progress.
Continuing in the food system rat race with fopperies and futilities that include:

Entrapped in such a vortex of futility, no food business anywhere stands a chance against the challenges and threats posed by this hydra-headed monster. Any food business that hopes to subdue this monster and its unexpected thrusts must get out of futile pre-occupations and deploy no-nonsense FSQA-SSQA ninjas (or shinobis).
#SSQA #worldfoodsafetyday #SSQA_Academy #SSQA_NODE #ninja #shinobi #efficacy #VEEE #Better_is_possible
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