General Invitation:
The AFISServices Workshops are educational and practical. They are not trade shows that invite the audience participants to wander around boots and cause them to later wonder about why they attended.

Can you remember the best food safety and quality management conference or workshop that you have attended? If so, what is the most memorable thing about the conference? You are likely to remember how much you enjoyed meeting and interacting with several industry professionals. This is always a good thing about conferences and workshops.
Now, do you remember the presentation that you found to be the most interesting? Why do you think it was so interesting? Was it the most interesting because it was also the most useful? You probably feel you learned a lot of things. Can you remember what you learned and what improvements to your work that were as a result of the things you learned?
You may or may not have struggled to come up with a list of improvements in answering the last question. To eliminate such difficulties is precisely what the AFISServices workshops are designed to do. If you attend any of these workshops, you will be able to immediately identify specific improvements to your work as a result. In addition to making the experience enjoyable and providing an avenue for professional networking, the AFISServices workshops provide much more. The aim is for the workshops to be practical and worthwhile for every participant. Real, relevant, immediate and productive application of what is learned from the workshops by participants is the measure of their success.
Preparation instructions are provided to all participants, whether they are attending the workshops as learners, subject matter experts and presenters, system or equipment demonstration experts, etc. This is different from the workshop information which is expected to provide the content of the workshops. The preparation instructions are for encouraging and helping the participants with the process of getting ready to take full advantage of what the workshops have to offer.
If you have questions, or you would like additional information about the AFISServices workshops, you may contact me directly via email: