This boot camp is designed to engage participants in: Critical, Analytical, Innovative, Strategic, Systems- thinking approach to Risk Analyses and the Deployment of Agile Responses in a continuous improvement environment. Yes, a mouthful that will no longer be so upon completing the boot camp session. The inspiration for this January boot camp came from the series of polls conducted to to show the extent of the POP-culture in the food industry. The results of the poll series revealed a serious lack of CORRECT UNDERSTANDING in the industry regarding the matters of ensuring the safety and quality of food. Instead, it was shown by voters that POPULARIZED ASSUMPTIONS have gained predominance in the minds of safe food guardians.
As such, CAISS-thinking and the confirmation of systems efficacy have been been identified as strategies that the food industry has yet to adequately develop and deploy. CAISS-thinking includes an ongoing Value, Efficacy, Effectiveness, and Efficiency (VEEE) monitoring and confirmation processes.